Monday, February 10, 2014

IVF #1 Stim Days 11-12

Here's the deal...... After eleven days of stimming, with five shots a day, totaling 55(!) drum roll please.................. I have two more days of stims!  So frustrated, discouraged and upset.  I think I'd feel better about all of this if I had like 20 follicles, but I only have on average six total :( and three dominant.  I really hope I can even do an egg retrieval!  No one at the office seems to be worried, I mean they just keep saying the doctor reviewed your results and he wants you to continue with the same meds.  So here they are, not that I haven't posted this exact recipe like five times.

-5,000 u/ml Heprin

-5 u lupron
-150 menopur
-225 folllistim
-5,000 Heprin
-baby aspirin

Estrogen is 410, so at least it's still rising.

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