Wednesday, July 23, 2014

IVF # 2 13w5d

I think we are finally over the spotting phase, although there is still a small spot of blood in my uterus.  On Thursday night, so two days after my last ultra, the red gushing started again, however this time it lasted all night and into the morning.  I can't believe I lasted all night and into the morning  without calling but I guess I'm getting better with it all!?!?

I was able to sneak into the doctors office and baby a's sac appeared to have ruptured and baby b was doing well.  Thank goodness!

Then on Tuesday I had my last official RE appointment and I have now officially graduated from them to my OB!  I cannot believe we are at this point.  I literally thought that I would never carry a baby to this point,  but here we are.

Now don't get me wrong, every single morning I wake up and think that I will lose this baby, I still stress about each twinge, cramp, or pain that I feel.  I still can barely let my mind get to the point of the future. But my head is finally allowing my brain to drift a bit into future thoughts.  It's exciting but so scary at the same time.

The plan: I went to the OB Monday, so before getting released from the immunologist/RE, and he was awesome.  He said I could come in weekly if that would help, or whatever I needed to feel confident with this pregnancy.  I feel so much more comfortable switching to them then I thought I would.  I am going to try and be strong and wait two weeks, but knowing I can call for a quick heart rate check helps sooooo much!

On a side note my best friend, who was three weeks behind me with her first (after only 2 months of trying...... I was so jealous) just found out she lost their baby.  She had a d&c today and I just feel horrible because I know the hurt from the loss of an angel... Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers

Thursday, July 17, 2014

IVF #2 13 weeks!

This past week has proved to be yet another stressful week.

On Friday I started spotting brown again, but the nurse had said that it would probably continue to happen as baby a's sac continues to drain.  So fine I try not to freak out but I went to the bathroom like every hour........ Day and night....

Then Sunday night I start gushing bright red.  I had gone to the bathroom and the entire toilet was red.  I cleaned up then went to explain to Mr. E. what was going on and all of a sudden I felt another gush coming.  I ran to the bathroom and it happened again however when I wipes again it was brown....... So odd

I waited a few more minutes went back and it was only red when I wiped so I broke down and called the nurse on call and thank goodness it was a nurse from the immunologists office so I didn't need to explain much.  She said the same old same old....... She suspected baby a but obviously she wasn't  100% positive as she can't see what is going on.

So I held tight and and waited until the morning and then called the office.  They said I could come in on Monday or wait for my appointment Tuesday, which is what I did.

Everything was perfect on the ultra and baby b was jumping around like crazy so that was reassuring.  They are pretty positive the spotting, both brown and red, are baby a and once the sac is gone the spotting should stop.  It's still happening today, which will make it a week of straight spotting, but as long as that baby is growing and still living I'm fine with spotting.

We are still waiting on the anatomy scan bloodwork to come back but everything on the ultra looked good.  I meet with my OB next week however am not released from the immunologist yet, which again, I am fine with.  They know what to look for and they know the risk factors.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

IVF #2 11w5d

Longest ultrasound ever until I finally looked at the nurse, I couldn't see the doctor who was doing it because she was below the paper sheet, but I just looked at her after what felt like 10 minutes and she gave me a thumbs up! Both my mom and I started balling, and they let us hear the heart beat instead of just seeing it.  Then Mr. E came in and we got to see the baby dancing around!  It was so cool.

Baby a's sac is sitting right on my cervix, which in turn is causing the brown spotting.  They said to expect more and not to worry if it continues to happen, yeah right!

I spoke to the immunologist about getting into my OB for an anatomy scan, because it has to be done between 12-13 weeks and she said to do it, even though I am not released from them yet.  I called and scheduled it, but before I can see the OB I have to see a nurse THEN I can see the doctor.

I almost lost it on the poor lady scheduling my apts.  I get that they have a procedure, however I see a doctor weekly right now, is it really necessary to see the nurse....... If they are going to do blood work like betas, progesterone, and estrogen I am going to refuse, I can give them the last 3 months labs.......

I was super annoyed but whatever!

So I see the nurse tomorrow, then Friday I have the anatomy scan, next Tuesday I go to the immunologist for maybe my last time, and then the following Monday see my OB! Everything is moving quickly and I'm anxious for it all to happen!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

IVF #2 10w6d

Happy 4th of July! I am sorry I didn't write earlier but we were supposed to leave from my ultrasound and drive straight up to Michigan however I needed to get some blood drawn for my gastro (from all the diarrhea) so we went home to do that.  It's just been a crazy few days.

Ultra went well baby's hb was 154 and moving around so the doc couldn't get a very good measurement on it.  She said all looks good so we will just run with that.

I was stating to feel really good about it all, maybe this actually will work, maybe we will for once be able to have a living child.... But that feeling lasted about 48 hours until I woke up with spotting again...... Thought my world was ending.

I immediately called, they were closed, so I thought I would just wait. It was brown so that meant old blood, but it was also clotty which I didn't like.  So I ended up calling the answering service and then a nurse called me back.  She was sweet, actually the head IVF nurse, and said just to take it easy, lay down, feet up, which should alleviate some pressure on the cervix and uterus so that's what I tired to do.

I still have a bit more today but it seems to be lessening, thank goodness!

I know that I won't be comfortable or believe it until this baby is out, if that is how this is going to end....

Nervously waiting until Wednesday