Tuesday, March 11, 2014


When you go through a loss it seems like the people who you want to think will be the most supportive usually tend to be the least supportive and end up making you feel worse.  Why is that?  Usually my mom would be the #1 colpurat, but after consoling me four times she's actually getting the hang of it!

Case #1 my best friend.  I told her tonight that we had another chemical pregnancy, or early miscarriage for those who aren't in the fertility world, and the first thing she said is thank you for not telling me be it is so hard for me.  So rude is all I was thinking but what I said was I can only imagine how hard this is for her but I need people to talk to about this.  Clearly I was being the selfish one for sharing very personal, difficult information with her and asking for support.  I texted her today and cleared up the misunderstanding.

Case #2 religious family members - I hate the saying God has a plan don't worry.  I do worry, and I don't like Gods plan.  This hurts like hell to have a precious gift from Him that is so quickly given and then taken away

I am probably still being hormonal (heck technically I'm still pregnant which sucks) and crazy and I apologize, but until you've been in these shoes back the fuck off and be respectful.  If you don't know what to say, google it, there are no excuses anymore, look it up there are numerous great articles out there.

Pissy, shitty, and hormonal Mrs. E

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