Wednesday, February 5, 2014

IVF #1 Stim Days 6-7

Stim days six and seven! Got my instructions late, but I'm glad that we are changing some things.  I went up on follistim so I feel better about things! Here's what the next few days look like.....

-5,000 u/ml Heprin

-5 u lupron
-150 menopur
-225 follistim
-5,000 Heprin
-baby aspirin

I'm still super tired at night, but that's welcome bc it's better than not being able to sleep.    I did get my estrogen back today and it went up to 37! That's more than double, so I feel reassured that things are moving in the right direction.  I asked the nurse and she said I'll probably stim longer than 8 days, but that it is totally normal and ok!  Feeling good today! I go back Friday for blood and the magic wand.

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